The Blood Vessel That Carries Blood From Gut To The Liver - The Liver Swiss Pediatric Liver Center - Where venules are smaller versions of veins.
The Blood Vessel That Carries Blood From Gut To The Liver - The Liver Swiss Pediatric Liver Center - Where venules are smaller versions of veins. . Capillaries which are involved with the exchange of materials at the tissues. Wider lumen than arteries, with very little elastic or muscle tissue. Carrying cells and antibodies that fight infection. Veins contain valves to stop the blood flowing backwards. The blood carries various materials that the body needs, and takes away waste or harmful substances. The blood carries various materials that the body needs, and takes away waste or harmful substances. It consists of the heart and blood vessels. Receiving blood from two blood vessels helps protect the liver: Arteries which carry blood away from the heart. Oxygenated blood is then returned to the left atrium of the heart by four blood from the small intestines, large intestines, stomach, pancreas and spleen flows into the liver by the hepatic portal vein. ...